Sunday, August 22, 2010

Over It

I can't allow Reece and Jace to play anymore.
Friday, before school, Reece came inside bawling.
Because Jace hit him in the face with a bat.
Luckily, for Reece's pretty face, it was a toy bat, but Reece was very shaken up.
Saturday, Reece came inside a little extra whiny. I was doing dishes, and when he made it into the kitchen, he showed me a huge scratch on his tummy. He says Jace shoved a toy into his tummy. That was it. I had wanted to draw the line before, but I had to do it then
I told Reece he couldn't play with him anymore. I couldn't stand to see him get hurt. Luckily Jake wasn't home, because he would have told Reece to go punch Jace in the face!
Oh, Dad...
So, we showered Reece, and bandaged him up. It took a whopping 6 bandages.

And then Reece milked dinner on the couch from me, and was a happy boy!
The End

1 comment:

Leesa said...

Awww! Reece is way to cute and sweet for "friends" like that! I'm glad you drew the line.