Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter in Wichita

We had a quick Easter weekend. Jake and I both worked on Saturday. Amazing, Aunt Jaime took the boys down to Wichita that morning (THANK YOU!!!), then we drove down late that night. Saturday's weather was beautiful! Too bad Sunday's weather was the exact opposite. It rained all day! It was sad, but thankfully we got to have a great egg hunt last weekend.
Easter morning, we went over to Aunt Joanna's house for an indoor Easter Egg hunt. Joanna did great and hid over 100 eggs for the 6 kids. They had a blast. Little Alex, who is about 18 months, found 6 eggs and 2 balls. It was too cute. Below is Riley, showing me his eggs, while focusing on cartoons. He's amazing!

Owen ate the Easter Bunny!
Owen, Aidan and Colby being silly.
At my parents house, we had another small, indoor hunt. We did the best we could, and here are all the cousins showing off their Easter baskets. It's rare to get them all to sit so still.

Brotherly Love!


Shenna said...

You guys are lucky to be so close to so much family. Too bad about the crappy weather! I guess that's to be expected from KS though, right?

Erica said...

I love the in-door Easter egg hunt,great idea with such a rainy Easter this year!

I also LOVE your new background!!! Super cute!

jody-of-all-trades said...

What cute kids!!! I figured out how to save the pictures on my computer so I put them on my facebook page! Thanks