Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Honest and so Innocent

Reece got to hang out at my work today. He was there a little longer than usual, but handled it pretty well. One particular lady that works with me, is particularly fond of Reece. She is the mom of 3 teenagers, and misses this age very much. We were getting ready to leave, when she gave him a big hug to say goodbye. She started talking to him, and asked what kind of toy Reece would like her to buy for him. Well, I knew exactly what his answer would be. "I really, really want a Wii," came out of his mouth. Followed by, "The MarioKart Wii."
It's so amazing how innocent kids minds are. Honesty is a great quality too. Eventually, this honesty thing might embarrass me when I least expect it. It is just so funny! A little sad too, because I wish I could get those boys the Wii they've been wanting for so long.
The lady at work decided she was going to get Reece some kind of toy (undecided at this time), and accompany it with a bag of M&M's. So, tonight at dinner, what does Reece tell Riley? "We are going to get a MarioKart Wii and M&M's." Uh oh... I don't think he will let this one go for a while.

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