Saturday, April 4, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

Today, the boys friends, Tyler and Logan Ringel, invited us out to their Grandma and Grandpa's house for an Easter Egg Hunt. The weather cooperated and we had so much fun! It was extremely windy, and I felt it was cold, but the kids didn't notice one bit. Their Grandparents live about 45 minutes away, and own 30 acres of land, the hunt was a blast! They had goats, chickens and a couple bunnies. The kids had a great time running around, and I hope they sleep good tonight. This weather is getting me more, and more excited for summer.
Eggs in the sandbox.


Oh yeah, and the Easter Bunny came for the hunt!

Reece gave the Easter Bunny a hug, and when we got home asked if he was real.

Tyler showing off her real bunny. I think his name was Kissy Foot?

Towards the end, we had several cranky kids fighting over the chance to ride this toy mower. Reece finally got his turn.
On another note: Today at lunch I was telling the boys that Dad seems to not listen to me. Reece's clever mouth said, "Yeah! Cause sometimes Dad doesn't want to hear you."
Thanks Reece... you'll learn someday.

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