Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Recently we took my computer in to the shop, to hopefully get fixed. For some reason, one day, it just wouldn't turn on. We have another computer, and it doesn't seem like it would be the end of the world to just trash it, but almost every picture of my boys from the last 3 years was on that computer. Finally we got the call that it would cost $400.00 to fix it. Ugh! Perfect, since we got over $1700.00 in medical bills in the mail, for Reece's tests. OUCH! Fortunately, we were able to get all of the files and pictures on a disc for less than half the price. YAY!
So, I've learned my lesson, and will do a better job at backing up my pictures. For this was an expensive close call. Whew!


Erica said...

How scary! My sister had a similar thing happen, luckily she got her pictures back as well!! I am so glad you were able to recover them!

Side-note- Thanks for sharing what Riley said:)

jody-of-all-trades said...

Kip and I have both been having trouble with our laptops...I think I will use this week to backup all my pics! Good reminder.