Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Reece update...I lost count

Today was the big day. We just got home from the Neurologist checkup. Here is where we stand on his condition. The "tic" has been just as frequent, but not as dramatic. His face is no longer involved in his movements, but his hand is more of a shaky, or tremor movement. It is still happening a lot, especially when he is concentrating. For example, eating and writing can bring out the worst of his "tic." Since it is no longer in his face, the Doctor felt this was a good sign things are slowly reversing.

This entire time I was thinking "No News Is Good News," I should have been a more pro-active mom. When we showed up, the only results they had were from the EEG. That is the only test that was taken at the hospital we have been going to. Something in the back of my mind told me to call and make sure all the results had been sent to the Doctor, but I ignored it. Thankfully, since all the hospitals we had to visit, were all affiliated with each other, it didn't take long to get all of the results. No seizures showed up in the EEG. The MRI was clear. All the blood work came back good too. The only blood test that was borderline, but not even an issue, was the "Auto Immune" results. The way he described it was, Reece may have an issue getting over illnesses. It was so borderline, that it probably isn't really an issue at all. He just wanted us to know that this was the only result that stuck out to him. He feels like this is getting better, and to stay on top of this, we will go back in 2 months, just to check out the progress. WHEW!

As a mom, until this is gone I will still be just as concerned. The true test will probably be when he starts school. Preschool begins in September. We will just take this one day at a time.

Tomorrow is MY big day! I finally get to cash in my Christmas present and go the "The Phantom of the Opera." It will be so much fun. Three sisters, one brother and two in-laws were able to get tickets for the same night and I can't wait. Most of us will get to go out to eat before it's off to the show. I don't think we've ever been able to do anything like this as adults, and without kids. Have I mentioned, I CAN'T WAIT?!?!


Shenna said...

Have fun at Phantom! We're going to Wicked in July with just us gals. I can't wait either!

Andrea said...

Have a great time at Phantom! You deserve it!