Thursday, April 16, 2009

Rough Day for Reece

Reece had a rough and torturous day on Wednesday. Unfortunately, we had to start the day off with a funeral. My dear friend from church had her father pass away on Easter. Jake was at work, Riley had school, and Wednesday seems to be a difficult day to find sitters. That left Reece and I all alone. I braved it. We got there a little early, and I admit I allowed Reece to play his DS only until the service started. Anyone who knows Reece, knows he is high energy all the time! He wiggles and whines if he is bored. He is hungry all day long if he is not being entertained. Most the time he was lying down in the pew. He is my difficult one. Riley isn't much fun either when he is bored, he is just more lazy and mopey. (If that's a word.) Exactly opposite of Reece. Reece also has to go to the bathroom when he is bored, for this is a sure way to get up and about for a bit. Long story short, it was a long service, only because Reece was bored the entire time. To my surprise, I learned afterwards that there was a nursery provided. Ugh! I'll know next time.
So, Reece and I were dressed extra nice for the day. I had many small errands to run. Not Reece's favorite thing. I asked where he wanted to eat lunch, and of course it was McDonald's. We went in at 11:45 to a McDonald's that has a play place. The place was PACKED!! Reece didn't understand why we had to wait. He then asked if he could have a cookie with his meal. My response was, "No." He told me, "Aunt Jaime lets me all the time." Rotten kid! He tells us this all the time. "Daddy lets me." "Mommy let's me." It never works, but he is persistent. Well, no cookie today. Then we went to sit down to eat. He gave me the silent treatment, because I didn't want him to play in the play place, that was busier then I'd ever seen. You see, Reece had his brand new, very nice clothes on. I know I may be a little weird about my kids getting dirty, but if he was wearing anything else, I would've allowed it. Finally, I told him next time we will get to play. He gave me a smile and said, "Yeah, next time when I don't have my nice clothes on." End of drama. He finished his meal, and we left for the next errand.
As much as I love that my kids are old enough to not have to drag the stroller out, today would have been a fabulous day for a stroller. Reece did well. We did a ton of walking. Eventually, his only mission was to look for the next place he could sit. His legs were tired. He also complained his church shoes were hurting his foot. He's never been in them so long, and walked so far in them. Guess it's time for new shoes. As much pain that he says he was in, it didn't really slow him down. He ran and jumped every time he got a chance. We went in and out of stores. I could tell he was so bored of it, but he really didn't complain (other than the shoe thing.) Of course, something about Reece brings all kinds of attention. All I heard was how cute, or he looks like a little model. He is such a ham! He acts shy, just to get more attention. Pretty soon this little boys head will be too big for our house.
When all my errands were finished, I had a little time to treat Reece. I took him by my old work and got him a brownie ice cream treat, before we had to pick Riley up from school. When we did park to get Riley, he began hopping on one foot, because his shoe hurt again. When he saw his friend Brynn, 2 seconds later, he ran full speed back and forth, up and down the sidewalk. Poor kid must've been in a lot of pain. Not even a long day of running around with Mom, can wear this kid down. He played outside almost the rest of the day, and at 9pm, when I tried to put him to bed, he was still wired. Oh, what I would give to have an ounce of this kids energy...

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