Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Who's being punished?

The boys are in the process of being punished right now. They are in a bad habit of not taking good care of their expensive toys. The expensive toys I am talking about, are the Nintendo DS video games we own. I have a small container that holds them safely, because I find it a little annoying putting them back in the cases each time you want to switch games. It is a system that works very well, except when 2 little boys are too lazy to put the games back in this container when they are done with a game. For Valentine's Day, we got them a Sonic Rush video game, and it was lost within 2 weeks. They lost DS privileges for this and life moved on. Just yesterday, my favorite game (Super Mario Bros.) was lost. I wasn't very happy. I told the boys they couldn't have the DS back until, one or both games were found. Thankfully, I was in a rare cleaning mode, and decided I needed to vacuum out the couch. Sure enough, when I stuck the hose down in the cracks, up came Super Mario Bros. I showed the boys, and we talked about how we take care of the games. I got back to the couch, and 2 seconds later, up came Sonic Rush. Once again, I stopped and talked to the boys. Told them how much money these games cost, and we can't leave games on the couch anymore. Since both games were now recovered, the new punishment was no DS for 2 days.

This brings me to who is being punished? Sure, the boys can't play video games, which is pure torture to them. However, for 2 days we have to listen to Reece beg and ask to play the DS...ALL DAY LONG!! He is the most persistent boy ever! He doesn't comprehend what he did wrong, or the word NO. It is pure torture for me! He doesn't give up. At least, Riley is old enough to understand a punishment, he knows not to ask and he also has school to take up a lot of his day time. Reece is at home, bored out of his mind. What makes it worse, is we now have Sonic Rush back in our possession, and he hasn't seen that game in many weeks. I'm glad the punishment was only for 2 days, and we are half way there.

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