Friday, March 27, 2009

Proud Mommy Moment

Today I received Riley's 3rd quarter report card. Riley has a permanent substitute teacher, Miss Haer, since his teacher is now on maternity leave. She left a wonderful note about Riley at the bottom of the report. It went...

...Riley is such a great kid! He is a wonderful example to the other kids in class and school! He is doing awesome with his work. He is a joy to have in class. Keep up the great work!! Miss Haer

Maybe she wrote this on every one's report, but I'll pretend that's not so, and sit here as a proud Mommy.

In class Riley also wrote a descriptive poem about me, called "MOM."

happy, sleepy
eating, laughing, riding
loves me
I'm so happy Riley sees how sleepy I am. (That was sarcastic, if you couldn't tell.) I did ask him about the riding. His response was, I ride in the car sometimes. And a quick disclaimer, I don't think I eat anymore than a normal person. Thanks Riley! I LOVE YOU TOO!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

HA!! Its okay if you do eat more than normal, because it definitely doesnt show! What a sweet boy you have!