Friday, March 20, 2009

Nintendo DS & Mountain Dew...

...that was my secret to keeping Reece up until midnight last night. I survived just fine, because basketball was on. Although the last half hour was a little tough. Reece, however, wasn't ready for bed. I put him in there anyway, and I'm sure he was out quickly.
5 short hours later, my alarm was going off. We woke up Reece, and gave him the DS again, since cartoons aren't on at that hour of day. Once we got to the hospital, I learned the Doctor had ordered a sleeping EEG. They wanted to have Reece awake, drowsy, and asleep. Because I can't remember the title of the man performing the EEG, (it was a huge, medical term) I'll just refer to him as the "EEG Reader." Reece gave the "EEG Reader" a run for his money. The "Reader" attached all the wires in about 15 minutes. Reece did very well there, but was definitely waking up more, just wondering "what is this man doing to me?" All we wanted Reece to do was lay still and fall asleep, hoping his tic would happen. That's just not Reece's style. Reece, even off only 5 hours of sleep, is way to active. I would've been better off keeping him up all night.
The test went on for about 30 minutes, and Reece had every reason not to relax. He was NOT tired (even though the EEG said he was really drowsy), he was hungry, or he was too itchy. The tape on his head made him itch a lot. Finally, the "EEG Reader" had about enough and tried all of his tricks, with out any luck. We were counting down the last 3 minutes and Reece rolled over on his side, to face away from me, within a minute, he finally gave in and was out.
I sat by, and was able to tell the "Reader" every time I felt a tic. I was surprised, I had thought the tics stopped in his sleep, and to my surprise, they didn't at all. They were just smaller. The saddest part was having to wake the poor boy up after 10 minutes of sleep. That wasn't fun. The "Reader" did say we got a lot of information and was pleased with Reece. That is all we know for now. Except, Reece and I came home and took a small nap, and I for see a cranky Reece in the near future.
***These pictures are from our cell phones. It's the best we could do.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Im so glad it seemed to go well! I hope they can find out some information and let you know what the next step is. I got your text earlier but it was blank.. I hope you have a great weekend!