Monday, March 2, 2009

Can You Help Me?

I am posting this, mostly, so my brother can check it out. I didn't have luck emailing it to him, so this seemed to be the next best thing. Reece has developed a weird, spasm-like tic. It is freaking me out!!! It has been so hard to get any footage of it, because it is so random, but frequent enough, to where we see it A LOT! It has been going on for about 4-6 weeks.
Reece is laying down and playing his DS, in this video. You will see his face tweek. Each time you see that, it is his tic. It may look like a reaction to his video game, but it is totally involuntary. If there are any Doctor's out there, please chime in! My doctor acted as though I was being dramatic, and dismissed my concern pretty quickly.
I see his face do something funny, 3 times. I'll continue to try to get more footage. I just never know when it will happen.

This one is a little clearer, and it shows the entire shoulder/face/neck motion. It's just not as frequent.

This one is short, but twice, you will see his face and right arm twitch together. These videos don't do much justice, and I promise I'm not being dramatic, just concerned.

Here is Reece, signing his name on a birthday card. I'm feeling this is getting dramatically worse, fast!


Andrea said...

Okay, so my computer is being LAME and saying I dont have Adobe Flash so Im not able to watch the videos. I'll try again later tonight and see if I can view them.

Andrea said...

Finally, my computer let me watch the videos. Im glad you ended up taking him in. I cant believe that first doctor acted like it was no big deal. Let me know how everything turns out! Im going to call you in a bit.