Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Break Bowling

On the last day of school, before Spring Break began, Riley told me the only thing he wanted to do was go bowling. Not sure where this came from, but if that's all he wants, we can do it. Better than spending hundreds of dollars traveling somewhere.
He also was very concerned about both Jake and I having a day off together, so we could go as a family. This made me a little sad. There are so few days, where that is the case. Hopefully, in our future, this will change. Fortunately, last Friday we all had the day off. We started off with Reece's EEG, then KU Basketball (which over the weekend, they advanced to the Sweet 16), then off to some bowling fun.
Riley did very well. He did get frustrated, because Reece beat him in the first 2 games. By PURE LUCK! At least Riley was really bowling, a lot of times he never needed the bumpers. Reece, however, just threw the ball and it used the bumpers 6, maybe 7 times. He is only 4. But it was a hard lesson to teach Riley. Finally, the 3rd game, Riley was able to beat Reece, and that made him very happy. Reece really could have cared less about the score. They both are ready to go bowling again.

Rock, Chalk!

Reece celebrating a Spare!

Riley's winning score, not counting Mom & Dad.

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