Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Reece Update III

Just another update, after another Doctor appointment...We made it in early this morning to a Neurologist at a local hospital. It went well. Reece didn't put on a great show this time, he was extremely wound up, and would not sit still at all. Thankfully, I had my camera with the footage I have filmed. The Neurologist did see the tic in person, just not too much of it. He asked a lot of questions and did a few easy tests on Reece. Checked out his eyes, reflexes, had him walk in a straight line and checked for balance. Reece did well there, but quickly resumed to bouncing off the walls.

The Doctor had mentioned a lot of what he has heard resembled a tic, that a lot of kids do develop and eventually grow out of. However, there were a few differences, that lead him to believe it could be something different. When he saw the footage of Reece writing, he found it strange that he would have a tic between each letter. Often, people can hold a tic in until a task is done. His obligations are to rule out everything to try to pin point what is causing this tic.

There is a slim chance, this could be a case of Tourrettes Syndrome. But Reece would have to do this for a year before that could be diagnosed. There is also a tic that develops after Strep Throat, but Reece never had Strep, as far as we know. Riley did have Strep a few months back, and Reece never showed signs of that. The possibilities seem endless.

The Doctor is ordering an EEG and an MRI. EEG will have little sticky sensors that will be placed on his head, to monitor brain waves. The MRI will require Reece to be put asleep to perform. He also ordered a TON of blood tests to rule out other things. We stopped by Children's Mercy on our way home to have that done. We assumed they would be the friendliest to a 4 year old. Reece was a CHAMP! He sat on my lap, and sort of cried the entire time the needle was in, however, never once did a tear come out. The doctor ordered so many tests, the nurse had to draw 6 viles of blood. And she said she condensed it as much as she could. He of course milked it afterwards. What Reece wanted, Reece got. He told me he was sad because he got shot.

Well, this is what we know for now. We will go back in 4 weeks, and the Doctor will call if anything unusual comes out of the blood work. They will also be calling to arrange the EEG and MRI soon.


Tammy said...

Thinking of you and praying all will turn out ok. You're on the right path to start checking things out. Stay true to your heart and mom's intuition. Love you!

Shawn said...

"EEG" - Electroencephalogram is what I think you are meaning. It does have an EKG component, but EEG's measure brain waves and function! Good Work SIS - If you are not happy, keep looking for docs and answers until you are.

Andrea said...

Im glad that they were able to look into it further. Hopefully you will get some answers soon! It sounds like youre on the right track. We'll be thinking of you guys, keep me updated. I know you will. Love you friend!

Shenna said...

Hopefully everything comes back o.k.! I'm glad that people are finally paying attention to you. It is frustrating when the Dr. doesn't listen to what is going on. Good luck!