Wednesday, March 18, 2009

EEG Scheduled

Reece will have his EEG this Friday, the 20th. Just a few things we need to do.

  1. Be there at 6:30 in the morning.

  2. Make sure Reece has clean hair.


How do you give a 4 year old, only 5 hours of sleep? It will be a long night, followed by a long day and night. The tournament will be on, so you know I won't go to bed until the games are all over at, umm, midnight! That's just on Thursday, and we'll do the same on Friday. Thankfully, Jake and I both have Friday off.

Over the past week, Jake and I, haven't noticed the tic as much as we had before. I was wondering if it was getting better or have we not been watching as close. This morning when I woke up, I made it a priority to observe him more today.Today, Reece woke up at 6:30 and came into my bed to sleep a couple more hours. Jake was already at work and it is very strange Reece would be up that early. Before Reece fell back to sleep, I felt his tic once, just through the vibrations in the bed. Just now, the boys and I got done playing SORRY, and the tic showed up, big time, to perform. Right after the game, I suggested the boys color a picture for Dad. Once again, Reece was twitching away. Reece has his tic very randomly, all day long. He could just be laying and watching TV, getting dressed, or playing games. Last week I allowed him to fall asleep in my bed, next to me, and the tic seems to stop when he falls asleep. I will take him to his bed after he's been asleep for a little bit. I'm trying to get the best feel for when it happens. It seems to get dramatically worse, when he is concentrating. This is the most concerning thought for me. He will be in school soon, and it worries me, that when it comes to writing, he might start getting frustrated that he can't control this, and he might fall behind.

Even though I have all of these concerns, and it is constantly on my mind, ever since we've been to the Doctor, I have been much more at ease. Just knowing that we are working at figuring this out, and that a Doctor has witnessed this, makes me feel so much better. Check back here for an update soon.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Jacque and Jake, you are in our prayers and we know you are doing everything you can and are both fantastic parents to those boys. Lean on God as he is the great physician and loves Reece greatly. When we give up the control to our Lord and savior than he can and will do miraculous things for us. Lean not of your own understanding and turn to God for guidence and he will comfort and protect you in all situations. This is how we get through tough situations by knowing that everything is in His control not ours. We love you and will be praying for you and Reece.