Thursday, March 26, 2009

Two... the number of visits, in a row, where we have been given good news. Jake had an MRI on his head and lower spine this week, and both looked the same. No plump tumors, no change. Yay! Our lovely surgeon says, we need to do 6 month checkups for 3 years, with no change, before we can extend it to 1 year. So we will be back in September.
Two is also the number of days since Reece's MRI. We haven't heard anything yet, and since we are pretty familiar with how this works, we assume, "No News is Good News." Jake's surgeon also wants us to keep her updated on his condition. Reece's follow up appointment is April 8th, unless they call us sooner.


Tammy said...

YAY for good news on both counts! Love you.

Andrea said...

Im SO glad to hear that!! I was probably just as nervous as you to hear the results. Okay, maybe not AS nervous, but still. Im glad everything seems to be going okay. Talk to you soon! Love you!!