Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Dear Friends,

Forgive me for the lack of blogging. If it weren't for all of my nieces and nephews turning another year older, you probably wouldn't see me on here at all. This week is chaotic!!! I am at work all day today, then I'm off to have a jewelry party, that my wonderful Sister is hosting, and from there, I drive to Wichita. I'll get there late, then I have a VERY early conference I will be selling jewelry at. Then this weekend I will be selling jewelry at "Pumpkin Days" for my sister!!! I hope I don't run out of jewelry...on second thought, if I run out, that means I made some money! =D Anyhow, no promises I will have anything worth blogging about when I return, but wish me luck in the next 5 days! I'll try to do better!


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