Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Jenny Lu

I had a long, exhausting weekend! But, I did what I needed to do, and I made a lot of money selling jewelry. I was able to breathe much easier, by the time it was all over. It was definitely a success!!
The conference I was fortunate to sell jewelry at, my first day in Wichita, was the Interhab Conference. They are a state wide group that helps raise awareness for disabilities. It took up several days for many of the participants, who were stuck inside a hotel, on the cold rainy days Wichita had. Most people were excited to see a booth of fun jewelry to have fun with! I met many great people too!
My favorite was, Jenny Lu. She was the happiest, friendliest, sweetest little girl ever!! I say "little" lightly. She is actually 21, but she looked 12. Jenny has Williams Syndrome. I don't know much about this syndrome, but I know it is a chromosomal disease, like Downs Syndrome. One of the characteristics, other than the size and facial features, is an overly friendly personality (excessively social.) She has more personality in her pinkie, than I have in my entire body!! I just fell in love with her, and I hope I get to do this again next year and see her.
The reason Jenny Lu was there, was because she had a booth close to mine. Jenny Lu was watching "Oprah" one day, and saw some young girls who had a lemonade stand to raise money for cancer. This inspired her. She decided she was going to raise money for Williams Syndrome. She decided to draw pictures and turn them into postcards, calendars, t-shirts, wall art, and more. She is doing very well. Her goal is to be on Oprah someday. I had asked if they ever tried contacting Oprah, but they hadn't yet. Guess that needs to be added to my list, because America needs to meet this awesome girl! I just loved her!!!
My purchase was a couple of sets of postcards, because you always need postcards handy...

It took me reading the pamphlet to put this one together. They consider themselves social butterflies, and she proved it!

1 comment:

Erica said...

I want to meet Jenny Lu!! She sounds wonderful! I love her art work!!