Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

Mario & Luigi
The Super Mario Brothers
These costumes were a HIT!!
Almost every house we went to, the boys were told how great they looked. We even had a teenage girl take a picture of them, she loved it so much! Guess I did well this year!


Erica said...

so adorable! What a halloween to remember!!

I just got caught up on your blog...It wasn't updating for some reason on my blog. My friends' is doing the same. I don't know why. Wish I could help!

Walker Family said...

They look so cute! How fun. Did you make them or buy them? Either way, way to go!! It will be fun to see you over thanksgiving! Can't wait!

Jacque said...

Linsey- I bought them! I only wish I was that crafty... Thanks! You are only weeks away from coming back to Wichita!!! yay!

Andrea said...

They are so cute. I just love how the look.

Shenna said...

Very cute Jacque! Your boys look great!