Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Lunch With Daddy

Since Father's Day falls in the Summer time, the boy's preschool always has a "Lunch With Daddy!" Here is Jake trying to get a smile out of Reece, but instead. he just got a wiggly Reece. You can't see it very well, but Reece made Jake a tie. It says, "My Dad is great because he gives me Tootsie Rolls to eat." What?! Can't remember the last time Jake gave him Tootsie Rolls. That was random. One reason I like to call him "Random Reece."
Not sure what this cool car was made for, but it looks like the kids worked hard on it!

This is the wheel that Reece made.
Reece and Brevin chowing down on hot dogs. Yum!
When Jake did this with Riley, he didn't remember a single bit of it. Isn't that sad! Turns out, I had forgotten too. You see, Jake was just days out of the hospital from his first brain surgery. I actually had to drive him there, and I sat in the parking lot, while they had their fun. I think he has a good reason for not remembering. Too bad I don't, unless you count lack of sleep a good one...

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