Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Riley's Weekend

While Reece and I were in Wichita for 4 days, Riley was well taken care of. Jake had to work most of the time, so Riley got to spend time with his friend, Scott, for a day, then he was off to stay with my good friend, Erin Cook.
Erin got to play "mommy" for the weekend, and did a great job! She even joked about adopting Riley, which means Riley did a great job too!
On Friday night, they got to make cupcakes. This bumped Erin up to "Aunt" status in my book! Looks yummy!! (Charlie was Riley's gaurd dog.)

Nice job, Riley!

Saturday was Riley's 1st, 2009, flag football game. Erin bundled him up good, because it was FREEZING!!! Riley said he was, "as cold as an ice cube!" That didn't slow him down, because he got his first flag!! He had gotten some in practice, but this was the first flag in a game for him. Riley had been doing really well at defense at practice. He was running fast enough to catch up to the kid with the ball, but he would just run with him. Never tried hard to get a flag. I had to start bribing him with $1.00 for every flag he gets. So far he has gotten 2 flags at practice and now 1 in a game! Go Riley!!!
Thanks, Erin, for being so great to Riley!
(These pictures were emailed to me, and I couldn't get them any bigger.)

1 comment:

Shenna said...

Looks like you've been busy lately! Glad to see some new stuff on the blog. :)