Monday, October 19, 2009

Sick and Sicker!

Not too much to blog about these days. I went to Wichita this weekend, and left the boys here with Jake. They had a boys weekend. Too bad the weekend was filled with 2 sick, little boys. Last Tuesday, Riley came home with a very mild fever. It went away immediately, but due to the 24 hour rule, I kept him home on Wednesday. It was a half day, and no school on Thursday or Friday, for conferences. He was not sick at all on Wednesday. In fact, he was bouncing off the walls, which isn't Riley's style at all. Maybe he has a weird, allergic reaction to Tylenol, and it makes him hyper?!? Well, come Wednesday night, he had a mild fever again, and again, it went away immediately. Thursday was the same thing...hyper Riley. We bummed around, went to Riley's conference, and after dinner, Riley had a football game. Riley did great, even got a flag, but afterwards he had more than a mild fever. It went away, again. Friday, he was normal, again. Jake was even contemplating taking the boys to "Late Night in the Allen Fieldhouse." I was his voice of reason. Riley's fever only wanted to come out at night, and it would be terrible to have him in a loud, crowded, and rowdy environment if a fever was going to make an appearance again. It didn't. Instead, Jake was woken up on Saturday by Reece. Reece told Jake that Riley was crying. Riley had an even higher fever and his head hurt. It's not normal for Riley to cry when he is sick, but he must have been that miserable. Jake took him to the doctor and he had a slightly red throat and ear. Doctor said to wait for the fever to last 10 days before giving him an antibiotic. He had a mild fever the rest of the day, and it seemed to wrap up Sunday morning.

Enter, Reece.

Sunday morning, Reece started off with a high fever. He was close to lethargic most of the day, unless the fever broke temporarily, he got a burst of energy. Today, he woke up to a little vomit. Yay! Fever has since subsided, he has a little cough, and he has been playing. He probably picked something up from the Doctor's office. We'll see. Doctor doesn't want him to come in, unless his fever doesn't go away at all, which it has... for now.

Poor Jake, had 3 days off. He had a vision of fun with the boys. Lawrence, pumpkin patch, football games, park...blah, blah, blah, and the poor guy spent his time off with sick and sicker. Maybe next time, Baby... I was really looking forward to having some pictures from their fun weekend to blog about.

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