Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Weekend With Erin II

****Sorry about the HUGE pictures, that probably take all of your screen. Didn't realize I had "large" selected, then I didn't have the patience to redo it all****
As my hectic October wound up, Riley and Reece stayed with Erin again. Having Riley for the weekend was so much fun, this time she wanted Reece too. Brave girl! Here is Trenton helping Riley get ready for his game.
But first, it was team picture day.

So, Reece stayed busy at the playground.

Usually, Riley is defense, but this day he was the center.

Poor Trenton. I'm sure these boys wore him out!!!

This is what Reece does best. He's ALWAYS upside down, or on his head.

Riley, Reece and Charlie.

More yummy cupcakes!!

This was probably Trenton's favorite part. We took over our Mario Kart, and he and Riley played a lot!! Reece had fun becoming best friends with Charlie!
Thanks again Erin!! My boys love you, and LOVE spending time with you!!
You really helped my chaotic October go much smoother than anticipated. I'm glad it's over!!

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