Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Nothing Blog~Worthy...

Well, 2010 has come in very uneventful. Nothing too exciting going on, even though I feel like we are busy all the time. Maybe that's just in my head. The most interesting thing going on, is this KILLER ICICLE hanging outside my front door. It's seriously a death trap! This picture doesn't do it justice, but it's monstrous!!! Beware!!
On another note, Reece got very sick on Sunday. It started at dinner time. He was very sick, and it got ugly about every 15-30 minutes until around 1 o'clock in the morning. The poor kid was miserable. He started out with no fever, then it spiked in the middle of all the drama. By the time it was over, the fever was gone. Reece slept the rest of the night, but now he's not eating. All appetite is gone. Today it took him 4 hours to eat 1 piece of toast. Hope this doesn't last long. When he is lounging on the couch, he does well, just looks a little pale. When Jake got him out of the house yesterday for a few minutes, he was weak and borderline lethargic. It will pass soon...

Reece doesn't really love me these days. Wish I knew why, but he is Jake's sidekick right now. If Jake is home, Reece is seriously glued to his side. He likes Jake to carry him from room to room. He comes in our room and tackles Jake in the morning. If I was gone, he'd be okay. He doesn't dislike me, just not his favorite. What do I have to do to get some love from this kid? Give birth to him, give in to his every want or need, clean up his vomit and sleep next to him while he's sick? Oh, wait! I did ALL this!! I just can't win with this kid. Thankfully, Riley appreciates me. He's so sweet!

That brings us to Riley. Riley had his 1st ever basketball game on Saturday. I'm going to need a better camera to get some good shots. (hint hint Aunt Jaime) Anyhow, he did really well. I was so sure that I going to have a heart attack the first time I watched a game. Not the case. I really enjoyed it. You know you LOVE a sport, when you enjoy a bunch of 7 and 8 year olds butcher it because they still have no clue. Riley even brought the ball up the court a few times. He had fun, therefore I'm so happy!!


Leesa said...

Oh the phases that kids go thru! Last night I left Sydney with Jason for about 20 minutes while Taylor and I went shopping. I came home and Sydney has literally cried the whole time I was gone, leaving Jason a frazzled mess. He mostly felt bad because she didn't want him. :( I feel bad for him. I'm sorry about little Reece!
Glad you had fun at Riley's first game!

Shenna said...

I'm glad you liked the game!! Sorry about Reece though...kids do weird things sometimes!! Who knows why? It'll probably pass soon.