Thursday, February 3, 2011

100th Day

Reece had his 100th day of school today, so check out these awesome glasses!
Also, Reece said the most clever thing.... We were doing his homework just a minute ago, and we were doing his sight word list. I decided to switch to a new list, and it was his number words one through twenty, followed by his color words. He ran down the list with no problem, but when he read "twelve" he added, "it's NOT twoteen."
What a smart boy to recognize that twelve is different from the other teens.
I found "twoteen" to be a funny word.
At his last conference he was reversing his teen numbers. They all ended with the number 1. It makes sense if you think of the way we say it. We say the number teen in that order... he could write his number up to 100, but those darn teens threw him off. It's been fixed. He no longer does this. It's amazing how much kiddos learn in kindergarten these days!

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