Sunday, February 27, 2011

Shoe Tying

Daddy teaching Reece to tie his shoes.
I know! I know! Reece is 6 and should know how to do this by now.... you can blame us! We've been a little lazy about this big step in a child's life. The convenience of slip on shoes, helped enabled us to keep putting this off. This needed to come to an end, because his slip on shoes are completely worn out.
Honestly, I never even tried to teach him. This all stems back from when I tried all day to teach Riley how to tie his shoes in kindergarten. Failed. Jake came home and taught Riley in 5 minutes. So, to save me the headache, I assigned the task to Jake. Reece is doing it, and it didn't take long. Of course, it's lots and lots of practice that will keep his shoes tied all day long....

1 comment:

Erica said...

Hey girl!
I changed my web address now that we are a family of 4 :)