Sunday, February 27, 2011

1st "Trophy"

Reece completed his first sport, and got his first medal.... which he calls "trophy."
He's pretty proud!
However, I'm not sure how big of a fan Reece is of basketball.
We were so sure he would just shine, naturally, in all activities.... he is so much more timid than we expected. I think his practices were so out of control, it greatly intimidated him. He was knocked over and run over more than I was my entire basketball career! He would dodge the ball, if it ever came close to him. All of his shorts had pockets in them, so guess where his hands were at most times. He liked to stand under the basketball goal, and never move. He played better defense, when his team had the ball.
It was comical, and sometimes frustrating to watch. I have to remind myself he is only 6... I didn't start until 4th grade and it eventually came to me. Living in McPherson, there is a lot of pressure to all athletes.... McPherson produces a lot of great ones. I just have to sit back and not put the weight of the world on my boy's shoulders, and if they find their knack, we will all be happy. We will give basketball another try, and go from there.

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