Sunday, February 6, 2011

Healthy Reece

Mr. Reece has had a double whammy of health talk at school. He is so funny! He takes school super serious!

Not only does our school give the kiddos a healthy snack every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (it's a great variety:bananas, kiwi, strawberries, grapes, apples, carrots, green peppers w/ ranch, oranges etc...) they give the elementary kids a 4 week (one day a week) Nutrition class. A registered dietitian comes in, and talks to the kids about eating good foods and staying away from bad foods. Then she gives them a TON of new foods to try. Her only rule is to try everything. I've been lucky enough to be able to sit in on this with one of my classes I para in. I'm a smart girl, and I truly understand the importance of eating healthy, and I really desire to eat better than I do, but on a budget, it's often hard to pick all the right foods and not go for the cheaper "not so healthy" items... But I have enjoyed learning with the kids.

Reece has also had a dentist come talk to him about happy teeth. Once again....Reece takes this very seriously! I can't complain though.

Now that Reece has been taught about good health, he has a one track mind. Well... kind of. The only drink he really wants is water. I tell him that he really needs to drink some milk too, but he really wanted me to start packing him a water bottle for lunch, instead of him buying milk. Thankfully, I won that battle.

Aunt Jaime was here on Friday, and she was sipping on a Dr. Pepper. Reece says, "Aunt Jaime? When are you going to stop drinking pop? Pop is really bad because it has too much sugar in it!" (This is as he begged her for some Peanut M&M's, obviously he hasn't been taught about the sugar in those.)

Thanks Mr. Dentist!

Reece has written off pop! Let's see how long that lasts.... He has been complaining of an upset tummy this weekend, and we have a "Sprite Stash" for these times....Jake gets him a Sprite, and Reece was really unhappy about that! He didn't want it. NO POP!!

He has just been a funny kid these days.... He randomly asks me, "Do we have any fruits or vegetables for me to eat?" Wouldn't it be awesome if all of our kids did this all the time? And what would be better, is if they grew up like this FOREVER!

Reece still has some learning to do.... we went to Applebees to meet Aunt Jaime last night. Because Reece's tummy has been hurting, he told me he just wanted water, and no food. I convinced him to eating just 1 of my french fries. (I never eat many of mine.) He guzzled water, and actually ate most of my fries. Back to the water.... I asked him to slow down, because of our drive home. He looked at me, "Mom? Do you know how healthy my tummy wants to be? It wants to be VERY healthy, because I drink so much water!" (Again, he hasn't learned how unhealthy fries are.)

He's just too funny!! And a side note from Reece: If you do drink pop, use a straw! (This is followed by a visual with his hands of how a straw makes the sugar go down your throat)

1 comment:

Shenna said...

I was cracking up the whole time I read that. What a great little kid! I wish I had that kind of drive to be so healthy! :)