Thursday, February 17, 2011

"Baby Wash"

On this beautiful day, we have no school, it's 70+ outside and Reece is healthy! Reece went to play with Savannah for a bit, and he just ran back inside to say, "Mom? Can I play with Jace? Savannah had to go to a Baby Wash."

I believe "SHOWER" is the word he was looking for... I laughed pretty good.
That being said, Riley is on day 12 of his fever. I'm still running a mild fever, but I'm functioning well. Hope this beautiful weather turns things around soon!


Leesa said...

This cracks me up!

Shenna said...

Haha, what a funny little boy! I'm sorry Riley is still sick...that is so long for him to have a fever!! I hope he gets better soon.

Walker Family said...

How cute!!! Wow...that's a long sickness. Happy late birthday. Sorry it involved a sick boy!