Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sick and Sicker

Anyone have a plastic bubble we can borrow??

We need out of this house, and we need out now!

Unfortunately, one week later, the boys are still running low grade fevers. You would never think they were sick, the way they act. They have a ton of energy stored up in them, and they need to get it out.... but I'm scared to let them get too active because their little bodies need rest! I really want them to get back to school on Monday, so time is very limited for their fevers to make an exit, so I can obey the 24 hr rule.

This just in..... now I have a fever. Tartar Sauce!!!!

1 comment:

jody-of-all-trades said...

This sounds like a re-run of January at my house! Hopefully you all get better soon!!!