Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Not So Healthy Kids

Even drinking lots of water didn't keep Reece and Riley healthy. (See previous post)

Reece started a fever sometime on Saturday. It's hovered around the 100* mark ever since. He has acted completely normal, except he hasn't been interested in eating.

Riley began a fever on Sunday. It also hovered around 100*. Riley was way more miserable. His cheeks were very Rosy, and he was more lethargic during this. Again, not much of an appetite.

On Monday, Reece seemed pretty good, I sent him to school and got the call an hour later to pick him up. Riley was on fire, so we kept him home. Riley always looked sick and Reece never did.

Monday night, things were looking up. We already knew we needed to keep both of them home due to the 24 hr rule, but it was looking like we were in the clear. I gave one last "just in case" dose of Motrin to Riley, and put them to bed.

This morning, Riley woke up with a temperature of 104.9*!!! Reece was about a 101*. I called the doctor and had to go in to see the Physician's Assistant. They both tested positive for Influenza B. The doctor thinks we caught it in time to get Tamiflu in their system. Whew! Either way.... this will be a process to get over. They have to be fever free for 24 hrs, without medicine to go back to school.

This morning I also got the call that gave us a snow day. Yay, for not feeling badly about missing school, and BOO that I had to get out and drive in this today. We were supposed to only get 4-6 inches by the end of today..... pretty sure we had that amount by early morning. One thing I can't get used to, here in McPherson, is how lousy the snow removal is. They rarely plow side streets. Long story short.... we made it to the doctor's office fine, had to drive slow, but fine. The snow looked like it had picked up dramatically while there. We had to go get the Rx, so I went to Dillon's because it was the closest to the office. I was so close to getting stuck! I really had to coax my car to finally move! Then it was home. I slid just a bit at every stop sign, and thankfully, I've learned to relax and not panic when that happens, but in my driveway, I was almost stuck again! I had to coax my car again, with the visual of me hitting the gas and slamming into my neighbors house... hehe! I really get paranoid in snow!!

Finally, we are home with meds, and hopefully it kicks in fast! I've shoveled twice now, and we at least have 8+ inches right now. We need a snow blower, because our driveway is so long, it's very hard to clear off. I really only got the sidewalks and a fifth of our driveway done. My car might be stuck for a bit....


Shenna said...

Yuck!! I'm so sorry your kids are sick. That's no fun at all. Hopefully the medicine kicks in and you'll be flu free soon!

Leesa said...

Awww I'm sorry the kids have been so sick! I hope they are doing better today.
I totally know what you mean about getting a snow blower. (We don't even have a snow shovel right now... How bad is that?! We meant to buy one last week and we forgot..)