Sunday, June 19, 2011

HaPpY bIrThDaY, RiLeY!!!

We've got a 9 year old in the house!! Yikes!!
Happy Birthday to my sweet little gentleman, Riley!!
Riley at 6 months.
We gave Riley a new DSi. Boy was he excited!! When he first saw the box he said, "NO WAY!"
When he got the box out, his words were, "INCREDIBLE!"
The reaction was totally worth it all!! His previous DS was on it's last leg.... Riley wished for a new one, but he handled his broken one very well, and never complained. So glad we could make his day!!
Happy Birthday, Buddy!!


jody-of-all-trades said...

Wow! He must be really excited. Happy Birthday Riley!!!

Jenny Meirowsky said...

Wow!!! 9 already! I can't believe it. Seems just like yesterday we were in high school; you can't have a 9 year old already!