Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Word of the Week

By Reece


The definition of this word, from is (or at least the origin in which he uses it)......

(noun)Slang: a person(or thing/idea) who is conventional, conservative, old-fashioned, etc.; square

It's amazing how much a 6 year old can find so "square!" Hope he never uses this word in the same sentence as me!! Haha!


Next, I want to share some journal entries of Reece.

~"If I had a pot of gold, I would be rich! I would get $100.00. LOVE MOM!!!" (That last part was a bit random)

~"I loved my day. I wish I could have even a nicer brother. I love you mom and dad and Riley. I wish I was nicer."

~"I played with my friends and I played with the chalk and I wish I could have 100 packs of ice cream. I wish I could have a nicer brother."

~"I wish I could have 100 cakes. I wish I had a new car. I wish I could have a nicer mom. I wish I could have a cat."

~"If I was a Popsicle I would be a lime flavored (one.) The shape of Popsicle I would be is this shape, (insert drawing) and I LOVE YOU!!!"

~"If I was a zombie I would eat all of your brains and then (you would) be (a) zombie and my number would be 1-800-BRAINS!"

He cracks me up with his lack of creativity and his many wishes!!!


Leesa said...

lol that last one about the zombie made me laugh out loud! That is awesome. :)

Jacque said...

I should have mentioned that he got all of that zombie talk from the DS game "Plants vs. Zombies."..... never his own thoughts.

Jaime said...

AhahahaHAHAhahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAJHAHAhahahahhahah*snort*hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha! That. Is. Awesome!