Saturday, June 18, 2011

Memory Lane

With Riley's 9th birthday quickly approaching.... it has caused me to pull out albums and albums of baby pictures. Boy was it hard keeping things organized before digital photos came about! I took some time to scan in a few of my favorites of Riley's first 9 months.... I'll have to do more at a later time!
This is Riley BARELY heavy enough to leave the hospital in our carseat.... he was a whopping 5 lbs 14 oz, and then he lost weight in the hospital as most do. I think our carseat minimum was 5 lbs.
Just a couple weeks old, and still not much fat on the kid.
Riley's big noggin and ears.... awww!
Such a serious baby!
This shows off his hernia he got fixed at age 3.

Alright..... signs of some baby fat!
This cracks me up!! How many chins can you count??
Now there is more to smile about.....

Just love his expression in this one!

That was fun! I'll have to do it again!!
(Oh, it makes me sad I didn't blog when they were first born....)

1 comment:

Erica said...

Oh my gosh it was so fun to see your boys as babies!!! They are just adorable!! I love the chubby face ones!! Also, Riley's first father's day photos were priceless! What a neat idea!! I might have to steal that from you ;). It would be cute to see the boys in their toddler years.... ;)