Thursday, June 9, 2011

We're Back!

Vacation has come and gone..... Where in the world did those 6 days go??
It all began last Friday.... we hit the road at 5:30 am for the wonderful world of South Dakota!
Riley and Reece got a new DS game, "Plants Vs. Zombies," for the 8.5 hour drive. Where would we be without video games??

We checked into the fancy "Sioux Hotel."
DS is still charged....
Our hotel was in the small town of Murdo, SD.... population 697.
Reece seemed to really LOVE all of our hotels we stayed in. Must be a kid thing!

The actual family reunion, we attended, was in the even smaller town of Draper, SD. Population.... >100? Maybe? This is where Jake's grandparents live. Lots of land to run and play!
Grandpa and Riley playing catch.
Great Great Grandma decided to give all of her great grandchildren a teddy bear from her collection..... Reece is a kid who can NOT turn down a teddy bear! His name is "Mr. Fluffy Bear." Reece said he was going to sleep GREAT that night, due to his new bear!
Not sure what Riley is doing in this picture. It's just a fun, action shot..... or as much action as Riley can give!
Cousins: Brock, Riley, Reece, Jason.
We went to Grandpa's hotel to swim the next morning.

Reece is in the air.
Reece jumping in, again!

Dad, Reece, Grandpa, and Riley.
Reece and Grandpa.

Just chillin'.
Cousin Danica.
South Dakota sky.... I don't see this in McPherson. Too many trees!
Oops! Family reunion is over, and that's all of the pictures I took!! What's wrong with me?
Next it's off to Sioux Falls to meet up with Grandma Elaine and Al for lunch.
On the way, we crossed the Missouri River. It was pretty high, and it was in the news a bunch this week, due to the flooding that was to take place. They were prepping many towns with sandbags and asking many to evacuate. We had even stopped in a town in Iowa, where there were just mountains for dirt sitting in parking lots, and restaurants were closed due to the floods. They were planning on releasing floods from the dams at some point, and people seemed frantic!
A cool look out point in Chamberlain, SD.
3 hours later, we made it to Great Grandma Elaine's!
We had a yummy lunch, and then the boys got to tour their farm!
Dad and Reece got a ride on a covered wagon that Al made himself!

Another 6 hours later, another hotel. This time in Kansas City!!
Shortly followed by some of the yummiest pizza EVER!
It just seemed that way..... it was a long day in the truck, and we just snacked so we didn't have to stop too often!
Look..... new bed, same games!!

Monday brought lots of fun in KC. We took the boys to Fritz's.... the fun place where a train delivers your food to your table. Reece had been there, but this was Riley's first time.
Dad calling in the order.
Next stop, Cosmic Mini Golfing. Reece had never been, and wasn't very excited about this, until we got there and got started. I wish the cosmic part would show up in pics.... Reece had some beginner's luck. 2nd hole was a hole in 1.... I think he had another one too. He begged us over and over to go back! Too bad McPherson doesn't have something like this....

After mini golf, we went to Scott and Brynn's new house, to swim in their neighborhood pool, in Gardner. The Ringel's got to join the fun too! So much fun for us to get to reunite for an afternoon. The original plan was to hit up the Gardner pool, but apparently they closed much of it down to fix a few issues.... This pool was wonderful and super relaxing!! Thanks for the invite Jill!!!
Scott, Brynn and Tyler.
Zakk.... who has forgotten all about me! =(
Logan and Zakk.
Swimming is over, and we are hungry!! Reece turned his train hat into a chef's hat!
We had a yummy dinner at Olive Garden, followed by Cold Stone Creamery Ice Cream!!
Then we were back at the hotel. Reece ran over to put on my sunglasses and say,
"I'm so cute!"
(People... please stop telling my son he's cute.... it's going to his head)
Next day.... it's 6.5 hours of Worlds of Fun!!!
This is part of Riley's birthday treat!
He thinks this is the best place on earth!!!
We must have brought the heat with us to KC.... heat advisory and ozone junk both days we were there. This kept the lines short at WOF though.... barely had to wait! The water rides were the best though, to keep us cool!

Tommi and Tyler joined the fun! Yay!
Those 2 and I are somewhere on this roller coaster....
Fury of the Nile!

After WOF, we were once again in a new hotel, and went to hang with a few good friends from our "Outback" days.
The next and last morning, Reece was in the mood for an 8:30 am swim.... Riley not so interested!

An hour later, we hit the road for home.
It was so nice to be back, but poor Jake returned to work today.
Why does the fun go so fast!?


Erica said...

Wow, what a fun-fast trip!! I'm jealous!!

Tommi said...

It was so good to see you guys! We had a GREAT time! And Zakk hasn't forgotten you, he's just cranky!

Leesa said...

A vacation sounds so good right now!! I haven't left this state in 2 years... (Well, Oklahoma doesn't count!)
I'm glad you guys had so much fun!!

Shenna said...

Holy cow!! Sounds like a lot of driving! Glad you guys had Fun. We start our vacations in about 2 weeks! I'm so excited!!