Sunday, June 12, 2011

Quarterly Birthdays

I got to host our 2nd Quarter Birthday Party!
We started out at the McPherson Pool, then it was back to my house to grill up some hamburgers and hot dogs, followed by presents, and yummy dessert!
(The streamers are hanging from my chandelier.... fun idea, but terrible for my pictures!)
Here is our newest tradition.... the kids are having too much fun playing, so us adults get our dinner in us first. It makes things so much more fun!! The kids never even notice! The kids have a BLAST outside.... there is just something about this house and how they are drawn outside. It helps that they can easily run and ride bikes in circles around our house. Then to save my beautiful rug, the kids were excited to have a picnic out front too. Score!
Camryn and Hannah.
Jack, Will, Colby, Riley and Reece.
Riley opening presents.... water guns!
Owen, with never a shortage of helpers!

Love this picture of Aidan!
A card from our Utah cousins!
More Star Wars Legos!
Another Owen picture.
Little kids are just so much fun to watch open presents....
BiRtHdAy BoYs!
Aidan posing for his 10th Birthday, cookie cake.
Riley wanted white cake, so Aunt Joanna made mini cupcakes.... so much easier to eat for all!
He will turn 9 in 1 week! Happy Boy!
Owen is getting ready for the BIG 3!
With Aunt Joanna's famous #3 sugar cookies!
Silly brother is showing off!
The patient cousins!!
Another successful party....


Leesa said...

That is so fun! I wish we lived closer to all of Jason's siblings so we could have awesome birthday parties like that. It's so fun for cousins to play together!!

jody-of-all-trades said...

Has your house recovered? Thanks for hosting!