Sunday, March 11, 2012

4 Day Weekend

Well the boys and I had a perfectly planned 4 day weekend from school/work. It was perfect because I got to see the entire Big 12 Tournament, and we haven't had any extra days off from school since January, so my brain really needed this extra time off too. And while I flirted with the idea of completely vegging out all 4 days, I actually had some productivity.... such as these S'mores Mini Dippers....
So I modified it a bit.... I went a little more expensive and got huge Hershey's chocolate bars, and went cheap on the graham crackers. I don't regret the Hershey's.... I mean who doesn't LOVE Hershey's chocolate? I would not go cheap again on the graham crackers.... they wouldn't crack for me the correct way, which is why my treats don't win the "pretty enough for Pinterest" award. Truthfully, I don't like marshmallows that much, so I really didn't make this treat for me, but these were so addictive and yummy, I had a hard time sharing with my boys!! ;)
Yesterday, Jake and I got a little fancier with our technology.... we became proud new owners of IPhones. Jake was gracious enough to allow me to get the 4s with Siri, and Jake stuck with just the 4. Above is my first picture with my new phone. I mostly wanted this for the camera.... now I don't have an excuse not to take great pictures of my adorable boys. And no flash to scare Riley!! Yay!!
Then we actually finished a project from the fall.... Jake had bought these landscape bricks when they had a great sale on them, but we had to wait to do more. SO, yesterday we got busy and this after we bought our plants, but before we got messy, and here is after we played in the mud for hours! It rained on us, but it was so worth it!! Now I think we can say our yard has 1/50th of it landscaped to our liking.

(Please look past all of the other not pretty things in these pictures.... it's going to be a huge undertaking!! A little at a time!)


Leesa said...

iPhones are so fun! One of the first items I want when Jason is done with school is an iPad. Can't wait!
I love the landscaping. It looks great!

Tommi said...

I LOVE your landscaping and your smores look YUMMY!