Sunday, March 25, 2012

Scary Adjustment....

.... or my boy who calls "Wolf."

Last night was the FIRST night Reece had to sleep in his room all by himself. Due to spring break, and the fact that Riley does have a TV in his room the boys had been staying in Riley's new room and watching a movie and then falling asleep. Well, we are close enough to going back to school, I had the boys in their own rooms by 8:30 for the first true night of separation.

About 30 minutes later, Reece comes in to our room and starts bawling huge crocodile tears. The kind that congests you immediately. He tells us how scared he is, and about all of the noises he hears. Then he tells us that he wants Riley's room. HA!! I'm pretty sure we're being manipulated at this point. Or at least Reece is giving his all at trying to.

After trying to reason with him for a bit, and telling him that the noises he is hearing is mom and dad moving around and it's an old house.... not a single floor that doesn't creak, I agree to go lay down with Reece to try to calm him down.

Calming down did not follow. I offer to allow the closet light to stay on, or the lamp. I offer to turn on some music to drowned out the noise, and he wants none of it. He complains that Riley's room is lighter... so I offer to get blinds for his window instead of his dark curtains. Nope! That isn't enough.

We then go into the "talk" about Riley being older, and many times the older child gets certain privileges, first. I told him I had 6 brothers and sisters older than me, so I never got things first! This prompted him to complain about it not being fair! It's always oldest to youngest. Even with friends..... my mature rebuttal was, find younger friends! Ha!!

I told him how much I LOVE his room, and he tells me he doesn't. His is more fun and WAY bigger than Riley's.... Reece doesn't care. Reece has all of the toys, and again Reece doesn't care one bit! He did ask if he will ever get Riley's room.... I say maybe (thinking of Riley moving out) but it won't be any time soon. Of course, that's too wide open for Reece. "When do you think I will get it?" I told him a LONG time, and in my head I said, don't hold your breath.

When I finally gave up, and told him to calm down and go to sleep it all comes out. He likes Riley's bed, the stripes on the wall, and the TV. As I stated before, this TV will only be able to play DVD's. I then left the room...

This brings me to this morning. I asked Reece how he was, and he was good. I asked how he slept, and he said fine.... but he had a "nightmare." I asked what happened? And he didn't want to tell me, then he downgraded it to a "scary dream." Finally he told me he dreamt about dinosaurs. I don't know how accurate this was, but I told him if he ever got really scared he could come to me. I'm 2 steps across the hall.

Part of me really wishes I would have never put them in the same room..... EVER!!! But that's really just silly thinking. Reece is a clingy personality, and doesn't want to be alone.... EVER! And when it comes down to it, Riley got something new. Reece wants something new too! Here are the 2 rooms we are upset about.... really, aren't they both fun!?

Reece's room that I updated last June.
And the room Reece wants now.... My last summer 2011 project I worked on. I'm still putting things together, so I don't have an updated picture.
Growing pains for Reece will continue.... It's tough being the baby.


jody-of-all-trades said...

Growing pains are hard... Owen still sneaks in the bed with me about 5 am every day!

Leesa said...

I have a gut feeling I will be experiencing something like this in a couple of years... Thanks for the heads up! :)