Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Holding Back

Reece's teacher must be preparing her 1st graders for their big move coming up. They have had the same teacher and classmates for 2 years, looping for Kindergarten and 1st. 2nd grade may come as a bit of a shock for most of them.... the bubble will burst! Several weeks ago, Reece came home to tell me that he was never going to leave 1st grade. When asked why, he simply told me Mrs. Olander would miss him too much! Truthfully, he can stay this age awhile longer if you ask me..... 2nd grade is the age I remember school becoming more serious for Riley. It was actually the ONLY year Riley told me he didn't enjoy. I know Reece will adjust easily, but it will be a big change!
I have a feeling the awesome art that comes home from Reece will decrease too.... here are some of his latest!

Patriotic for President's Day!

Can you believe Reece drew these sunflowers? WOW!
Happy belated Kansas Day!
And 3D Kansas Day art too....

Very modern!


Shenna said...

That art work is amazing!! Love the pictures!

Leesa said...

Wow - I wish Taylor brought home that much art work!