Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Break

We are just a couple days away from getting back into the swing of school and work. Can't say we accomplished much.... it rained most of the time. We did get to have the boy's cousin, Aidan come for a couple of days..... and again it rained the entire time. They still had a blast! It was video games and Legos. I actually have to thank Aidan for bringing the excitement back with the Legos. My boys play and build, but only for a bit, then they just get spread out all over the floor only to be touched when I ask them to clean. I always wonder how they get back out all over, when I never see them play with them. Hmmmmm?

We did take some time to separate the boys. They now each have their own room. Riley was definitely ready for this, but Reece was less than thrilled. There is a TV in Riley's new striped room, and Reece doesn't understand that there will never be cable hooked up to this room, so he thinks that Riley will be able to stay up and watch TV all night long. He'll figure it out. Reece also has separation issues.... he will never survive alone in this world, which frightens me just a bit as he grows up. It's still a work in progress, so I am not ready to take pictures of Riley's new room. Jake is working on his shelf, to help organize. Oh, and did I mention in rained? Good thing the boys are best friends..... very little drama.

We signed Reece up for soccer today. Didn't ask him about it, just did it! We went to get the proper gear, and I think that made it a little more fun for him. This kid needs to try new things, he's just built for it!

Lastly, I have a funny to post about the new rooms.... the 2 closets back up to each other, and the boys shared this morning that they can communicate from there. Well, I was in ear shot this morning to witness the "communicating." Of course, YOU were probably in ear shot too! I hear a, "REECE! GET IN THE CLOSET!"
Then I hear, "I AM IN THE CLOSET!
And it continued..... "HI, REECE!"
And so on and so forth..... Lovely communication.... I literally laughed out loud.... they are little geniuses!! I hope we keep the communicating to a minimum for my sake.

I hope these last couple days don't fly by too fast, and when they do, I hope the time for summer comes just as quick!

1 comment:

jody-of-all-trades said...

Aidan's dream job is to be the guy who works for Lego and makes up all the designs! He loves staying with yo guys...and I got a lot done (inside of course...raining here too). Thanks you!!!