Friday, March 30, 2012

Riley's Doctor Appointment

It's been months, but I had mentioned that Riley was having chest pains.... pains that our old doctor said were just "growing pains." Well our new doctor didn't want to mess around with this, so he sent us to Wichita to a Pediatric Cardiologist, knowing that there wasn't the right equipment in McPherson to properly cater to Riley.
Overall, we weren't that impressed with this doctor, but he did 4 tests (EKG, Echo, Sonogram.... and another that I can't remember) and they all looked "boring." Which in the medical field is a positive thing. He wants us to keep Riley extra hydrated, and we can keep monitoring him to see what happens. His suggestion was to get a cheap stethoscope and listen to his heart next time he has another episode.
Here is Riley with a smile on this face and bed head.... first thing he did was get gooked up to about 10-15 wires, and he was still smiling! He did great!
We will see what happens.... My brother who works in the Cardiology center at KUMed, isn't so confident this doctor went as far as he should have. If things progress, we may have to go a different route.

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