Friday, March 9, 2012

Another Good Report

We just had our last parent/teacher conferences for this school year.... and surprise, surprise, it was another great one. I will try to keep this update breezier than the last one.

First up, Riley.
A note from Mrs. Stucky:
Riley is an absolute joy to have in class! He continues to exceed expectations. An area to improve would be in writing, more specifically the mechanics of it! Comprehension is harder for him but he does a nice job! Keep up the hard work! Mrs. Stucky

She says getting the ideas from his head to the paper, he gets things jumbled and switches which person he is writing in (1st, 2nd etc). He is still on par with the grade level and in his class. His ideas are usually very fun and creative, it's just organizing those thoughts! I can't complain.... I don't know how many writing assignments I actually did without the help of my dad.... who is the writing expert. All of Riley's writing assignments happen at school. He will get there.

His Reading level is T (he should be at Q by this time) so he is ahead of the game. She said comprehension doesn't always come right away, but if he reads it over a couple times, it all clicks. I asked with Reading state assessments coming up, if we should worry and she said no. He actually comprehends great at the grade level, so he will be just fine. This reading level is just pushing him more day to day.

Math is still a strong subject, and he gets his "gifted" math 30 minutes each day too. His gifted teacher says he is doing well! And Spelling is still a strong 100% (which came down from that 101%.... I'll have to get on him for that ;)

Music gave him all 4's, which means he is slightly above grade level in all areas. This concludes Riley. He really is doing well, and I can tell that his teachers really do enjoy him. I'm so glad he will have Mrs. Stucky for another year!

Next up, Reece.
A note from Mrs. Olander:
Reece is a mature, confident learner. He is very helpful and considerate of others. He is very responsible and completes assignments accurately and quickly.

Reece is reading at a level J, in Reading. G/H is what is expected at this time in 1st grade, so he is just above. He has been given above grade level in Reading and Math. He knows how to spell 34 of 35 first grade words. The word "when" gave him trouble.... he spelled it "wen." Silly silent H!

Mrs. Olander has referred to Reece as the "model" student, and she might really have a hard time passing him off to 2nd grade. I just love how much she cares for all of her students, but I think Reece has a special place in her heart.

Reece is really doing well in writing, he really pays attention to capitals and punctuation. Here is a sample of one of his writings when the class was describing themselves.

Reece is getting 3/4's in Music, but Mrs. Olander is amazed that he was given ALL 5's in PE. She has never seen a 1st grader with these high marks. He must really hustle and he is very competitive. With him doing so well in this area, why doesn't he want anything to do with organized sports?? Apparently he is beating up on 5th graders at recess in 4 square.... if only there was an organized 4 square team to join. Haha! I may just have to start signing this kid up in random activities, I feel like it may be a waste of talent if I don't.

Well, I thought this would be shorter, but at least it is documented. I'm so very proud of my boys, and I really look forward to these conferences! Keep up the great work!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

You definitely should be proud! Your boys are such great students!