Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Where To Begin...

Well, we just got word. I have many emotions going through me right now. I'm super happy, extremely sad. It just can't always be a win/win.

Jake has been promoted! He will train in a couple of weeks, to have a better paying position in Salina, KS. He was approached with this job the same day I lost my job! Miraculous!! We will live in McPherson, eventually, because it is halfway between Salina and Wichita. I'm so happy to be so close to Wichita, and to be living in a much less expensive place. I've heard great places about McPherson, and a lot of great athletes come from there. (Good for my boys!!) It's a big change, we with out a doubt needed! Right now the boys and I will stay here through the selling of the house, and I want the boys to finish school here.

I'm sad. The only reason is I've made some amazing friends here. A couple years ago, I never thought I'd have friends I'd be so sad to leave. It happened. This is the longest Jake and I have ever lived in one place, and our roots have been planted here for sure. Good thing KC isn't more than a quick road trip away. I always envisioned the boys going to the same school growing up. There are teachers that Riley had that I really wanted Reece to have, but it wasn't in the cards. They are still so young, I know they will adapt well. I was so happy, until I started receiving sad text messages from my true friends.

Selling the house is the next hurdle to close this current chapter in our lives, but it will be a chapter never forgotten. I LOVE MY FRIENDS!! This isn't the end of our friendships, just the end of us being around the corner, or a short drive away! (I'll be calling you to crash on your couch one of these day!!)


Leesa said...

I'm so excited for you guys and totally happy you'll be so much closer to Wichita!! :) It's so funny - I just opened blogger and caught a glimpse of your post and right when I opened it is when I got your text.
This makes my day!

Andrea said...

Im so happy for you guys! I am glad things are finally turning around for you. You are getting a much deserved break! Praying things work out, and your house sells!
Love you!

Tommi said...

We are so happy for you and love you to! Gardner and Madison Elementary is NOT going to be the same without you! We'll cherish the time we have left where you're just a short walk down the street! You're more than welcome to come crash on our couch anytime or maybe we'll have a room ready for you! And you can believe we'll come visit you! Good friends like you don't come along everyday!

Shenna said...

Wow! Congrats on the job! Hopefully you guys get your house sold quickly.

Erica said...

I am truly sad! I love your family! I guess luckily we have blogging:)