Monday, June 21, 2010

Birthday Festivities

Riley's day started out with a blast!
(please excuse the house under construction in background)
We sent him on a scavenger hunt for his presents.
I made clues, and he found all of them.
All he asked for was "real" Star Wars Legos and Super Mario Galaxy 2.
So, the kid wasn't disappointed!
We went to Wichita, to enjoy Toy Story 3, 3D in style, at the Warren Theaters.
Thanks to Grandma, Aunt Joanna, and cousins, Hannah, Will, Jack, Alex and Aidan for coming!
Riley got to choose where to eat lunch.
He toyed with our emotions and at first suggested Mexican,
then he changed his mind and wanted Burger King....
Oh, yay!
I'm 8!!!!
We had planned on getting a Dairy Queen ice cream cake,
but, with Father's Day they were out, so we got this cake.... and went to share it with Grandma and Grandpa.
So, on Father's Day, we made it up with an ice cream cake.
I don't think Jake was sad about that....
Happy Birthday Buddy!


Leesa said...

What a fun birthday!! Love the 3D glasses for Toy Story! I've never been to a 3D movie.
I can't believe Riley is 8 already.. How does the time fly by so fast??

Tommi said...

Wish we were there! Logi Bear recognized their shirts! She said, "Hey, we got those!"