Friday, June 18, 2010

Master Bedroom

So, we didn't have a great picture of the entire room before, but this gives you an idea. It was a pinkish/mauvish color, with a darker pink/mauve color trim. And, yes.... they left the lovely curtains that you get a peek of in this picture. Oh, MY!!!!

Oh, I wish the pictures gave the room justice.
We finally have a room that is 99.9% done!!
We put an awesome color (Rain) on the walls, and it is so incredibly relaxing!!
Thanks to Jody, for helping out so much!


Leesa said...

Yay!! It looks fabulous! I think you picked a really good color to make the room look bigger. That mauve color was a little scary... :)

Shenna said...

Wow, that looks great!!!!! Those curtains...there just aren't words, lol.

Erica said...

Wow, what a difference! What a beautiful room!!