Saturday, June 26, 2010

Bragging Time

While going through my camera, trying to find before and after pictures of my new home, I came across of just a couple amazing projects my very talented sister, Jody, has done in her house.
The first is my nephew's room.
It's a pirate themed room, all done by Jody.

In her huge family room in her basement, she created this chalkboard to play on.
I could photograph her entire house and it would look like it came right out of a magazine. I love spending time in her home and I'm so lucky she is going to be able to help decorate my new house!


Leesa said...

I've heard such great things about Jody's decorating skills.. I could definitely learn from her.
What a great sister to have!!

jody-of-all-trades said...

Awww. Thanks. I'm so excited about the projects I've been working on. I'll have to post pictures. Can you believe Aidan is ready to change his Pirate Room!?!