Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I had to stop everything, and come blog before I forgot the following...

Riley just came to me with my 2.5 lb dumbbells, lifting them one at a time over his head, and told me, "I have to do this so I get strong. That way I can get girlfriends. Girls like strong boys. That's why Megan picked me over Ian, because I was stronger."

WoW!!! Where do they pick this up. Anyone who really knows Riley, doesn't look at him as a "strong" type. He's got a long, lanky build. If he is the strong one, I'd be worried to see Ian. Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

LOL - this is funny! I just can't get over what a little ladies' man Riley is becoming! hehe!