Monday, June 7, 2010

Reece: End of Year Report

Reece got his last progress report for Preschool. And again, he got a wonderful letter from Mrs. Alton.

Well, here we are at the end of Reece's preschool year. It is hard to believe! At the end of the year I like to look back to the goals you wrote down on Reece's information sheet from August. You said you wanted him to practice interacting with other children and learn not to be easily upset when things didn't go his way. I am happy to tell you that I rarely saw Reece get upset if he didn't get his way. He actually got along quite well with his peers. That said, I will have to say that unlike the first semester when he played almost exclusively with Brevin, this semester he played pretty independently. When someone else was in the center with him he played cooperatively and enjoyed himself; but he usually didn't go to a center because he wanted to play with someone in particular. The girls in our class this year were very social and the boys were very independent.

Reece really used a lot of self control on the "reporting" issues I talked about in January. His reports were much less frequent! In fact, sometimes when he did report he was quite creative! =) One day when another child had spilled way too much dirt out of the sensory table he just came up to me and said, "I didn't throw my paper towel in the trash can over there because I didn't want to step in the dirt." Of course I went right over to see what he was talking about. He found a way to let me know something needed my attention without coming over and telling me specifically that someone had done something wrong.

I hope Reece continues to have such a positive and happy disposition. He has a great sense of humor and wonderful smile. He is so well behaved during group time. He does a good job of raising his hand and being attentive. These are such important skills entering kindergarten. Reece is so sharp. I think he going to love kindergarten. This is a good time to move as far as he is concerned. Most children entering kindergarten don't know each other and they will all be starting from scratch.

I have loved having Reece in class. He has been a real blessing for me. I would love a note next year just letting me know how Reece is doing!

Thank you, Mrs. Alton! Reece was so lucky to have you as a teacher too!!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

I love his creative "reporting" style!! That's cute!