Sunday, June 19, 2011

It's Father's Day!!

And, Jake has been at work since early this morning....
So we were very nice and gave him his gifts early.
The boys both picked out some candy that they thought "he" would like..... some sour gummy worms and caramel chocolate Hershey's bar.
Then since Jake and I are on our working out kick, I got him his own IPod..... don't make fun! We are always way behind in our technology!

Since we are strolling down "Memory Lane" I want to share Jake's first Father's Day gift from Riley and I.....




The finished product!
Happy Father's Day, Jake!!
We love you!


jody-of-all-trades said...

I forgot about that cute project. That was such an awesome idea.

Leesa said...

Oh that is so cute!
I can relate to your technology issue. We don't have smart phones and sometimes we feel like we're in the dark ages. At least we can text!