Saturday, June 22, 2013

Baby Boy Baby Shower

Last Saturday, we made a whirlwind trip up to Prairie Village for my sister in law, Kait's, baby shower. She is expecting her first boy, making me an aunt for the 19TH TIME! I can't wait... although, with my pending move, I need that baby to come oh..... 7 weeks early??? Unlikely. I'm a bit bummed.

So I snapped some pictures at the shower... 4 to be exact. And not a single human made it an any of them.... oops!!! Well, just to note, Kait is looking SUPER CUTE!! She is measuring 3 weeks big and they were worried about her having gestational diabetes, that was a 'no'... both mom and dad were large babies, so you do the math. Good luck with that, sis!!! I'm going to have a chubby nephew to love from afar!

These I loved! Party favor cookies. They are baby pictures of both mom and dad.

Looking at these, I believe my nephew will have some chunky cheeks to love on!
Come on baby boy!!!

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