Saturday, June 22, 2013

Riley turned 11!!

Riley is another year older... "sniff, sniff"
We started out with presents... More Star Wars Legos from Reece, and a new Mario Wii game from mom and dad. I think he was pretty happy...

We had a 3 hour realtor tour, so we needed to get out of the house. Jake took the boys fishing... Riley got lucky and caught a tiny one! Yay!!
Later, Jackson came over and we went to see Man of Steel in 3D... they all loved it!
 Afterwards they all played Riley's new Wii game for hours!!! I could barely get them to stop to eat!
We didn't light the candles until 9:30... they were having too much fun!
I made a cookies and cream cake. I made it once a couple months ago, and Riley LOVED it!
Look at all of those candles!! They had an extra glow to them.

Love that happy grin!! 
Happy Birthday, Riley! Hope this is a wonderful year! We love you!

Favorite dinner: Macaroni and Cheese
Favorite dessert: Cookies and Cream Cake
Favorite restaurant: Olive Garden
Best Friend: Terry
Favorite TV show: Spongebob (since 18 months)
Favorite clothes: ???
Favorite book:Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian
Favorite movie: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
Favorite thing to do outside: Basketball
Favorite sport: Basketball
Favorite food: Macaroni & Cheese
Favorite animal: Dog
Favorite game: Super Mario Sports Mix (Wii) Stratigo (Board)
What do you want to be when you grow up? Video game designer

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